Soooooooooooo doctor decided to move c-section up from November 1 to October 22. THAT’S IN 4 DAYS! UM I AM NOT READY. I NEED MORE TIME. I just spent a few hours at Beekman hospital downtown because of a massive panic attack I 100% brought upon myself because of our not-readiness (too many things still in boxes), my high blood pressure, double vision, carpal tunnel, general panic.....I need more time!

whhhoooooeeeee this is it

We left the doctor's office a little shocked and Tommy suggested a name and I just said "OK!" So,,there ya have it. Nothing like a deadline.

We were 4 days away and still didn't even have a name. So not ready! I want more time to be alone. To enjoy a book. To have peace and quiet. To sleep in. To relax. To be me. To get ready. Meditate. Get massages. Organize. But at the same time pregnancy is so uncomfortable in so many ways .... it's probably time .... HOLY SHIT.

It’s happening. Like now. I keep staring out into space, totally zoned out on another planet for minutes at a time.

omg omg omg omg omg

ok. here we go.