What the hell do we need? What do we put on the registry?

do we really need a crib, bassinet, stroller (with bassinet attachment), carseat (that also turns into a stroller), pack n play, bouncy seat...

what do we dress it in?

do we or don’t we swaddle at night?

what if it cries all. the time. and i go crazy?

what if it dies? because we swaddled poorly or put it in some toy seat that will soon be recalled. jesus.

is it bad our apartment doesnt get fully dark? we don't even have a bedroom. it's a NYC duplex.

do we need a baby's room now how long will it sleep with is? will it even sleep?

how the F do you pump breast milk?

should we just do formula because it's easier?

will i go back to work? what work? full time? part time?

will i ever have time to just spend hours in a studio to train and dance and create ever again?

will i be happy?

will i be depressed?

daycare? full time? part time? can we afford it? is it good or bad for baby? for us?

how will i manage alone with the baby?

will i get my body back? or just a version of a body that i like again?

when can i get botox and injections? and maybe some cool sculpting??